Back In The Swing Of Things
BITSOT Program

Reducing Recidivism and Increasing Employment
Blount Beginnings works to reduce recidivism and increase employment. We provide people returning from prison and experiencing homelessness assistance to find immediate paid employment, skills training, and ongoing career support.
We guarantee every participant who completes a one-week job-readiness orientation up to four days a week of transitional work on a crew and a weekly stipend – a critical asset during an important time.
Blount Beginnings provides a robust set of wraparound vocational support services: on days participants are not working, they receive job coaching to find full-time employment. Once participants find full-time positions, we continue working with them for a year to ensure they have the support they need to grow in their careers.

Job Readiness Training
Blount Beginning’s program begins with a weeklong class, BITSOT Program, which prepares individuals to enter or reenter the workforce. These interactive sessions cover crucial workplace practices and explore the connections between thoughts, feelings, and actions. During the week, staff members also assist each participant in assembling all documents necessary for employment and ensure eligibility for benefits, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Transitional Employment
Participants graduate from BITSOT and immediately begin paid transitional work. Crews provide services for BB community partners that include state and local governments and community-based organizations. Participants work up to four days per week on transitional work crews and receive on-the-job training and coaching from their site supervisors. At the end of every shift, participants are given feedback using BB assessment tools. Participants generally spend two to four months on a BB crew before securing unsubsidized employment.

Job Coaching and Placements
BB participants receive a full suite of vocational services while working on a transitional work crew to help them become Job-Start Ready. Each participant is matched with a job coach who assists them with mock interviews, creates resumes, provides guidance throughout the job search process, and refers them to additional support services.
Once Job-Start Ready, a BB business account manager refers BB participants to employers for interviews based on employer needs and the participants' skills identified during assessments with job coaches.

Retention Services
Once a participant finds a job, they begin receiving personalized job-retention services from BB staff including workplace counseling, crisis management, and career planning. With this continuity of services, BB aims to support participants in establishing a long-term connection to the labor force. Additionally, BB is striving to offer Rapid Rewards, monthly bonuses that incentivize individuals who meet progressive employment retention milestones.